Many of you will know that we have big plans at Kunsang Yeshe, one being to establish a beautiful residential retreat centre here in the Blue Mountains, a haven of inspiration and tranquillity where people can come and practise for an extended period as well as for short and medium length retreats.

It’s no small endeavour to buy land, and build and/or renovate facilities for this purpose. That’s why to help us achieve our grand vision, Lama Zopa Rinpoche had advised us to acquire a three metre Yellow Tara statue, which was created from scratch by French Sculptor, Bertrand Cayla.

Green Tara and White Tara may be more commonly known in the Buddhist pantheon of female deities but this in no way diminishes Yellow Tara’s power and significance. As one of Tara’s 21 manifestations, Yellow Tara symbolises the skilful energy and qualities of abundance, prosperity and success – both in a worldly and spiritual sense.

She is also related to the great Hindu goddess Lakshmi, and her Sanskrit name Vasundhara indicates she is the source of the eight “bountiful Vasus”; thus she represents, according to the epic Mahabharat, the bountiful waters of the river Ganges – the goddess, Ganga whose origin is the snowy Himalayas.

We are so grateful to the many supporters around the world who contributed to the creation of this magnificent statue. We have fulfilled part of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s wishes.

Yellow Tara may be a means to attract good fortune and wealth but far more important than that, she can inspire in us a paradigm shift of attitude. The true source of all wealth is to eliminate the poverty of heart and mind. The magic of Yellow Tara is that she can show us our potential for transforming habitual self-cherishing into infinite compassion and a sense of connection to all sentient beings.

We were extremely fortunate to have found a suitable rental property for the short term. However now we need your support to create a permanent home for Yellow Tara where we can build a throne and together manifest the goal of creating a retreat centre in the Blue Mountains.

Create skies of merit by contributing whatever you can to the vision of establishing a permanent Kunsang Yeshe Retreat Centre here in the Blue Mountains. Your donations are very much appreciated.

Contribute to the Yellow Tara Project by clicking on the Donate via Paypal button below. In the drop down menu select Tara Project .

Or you can use the QR Code below to donate.

Alternatively you can make a direct deposit to the following account:

Or pay by EFT directly to our bank account
Name: Kunsang Yeshe Retreat Centre

BSB: 062-559

Acc: 1026 8959

Thank you very much for your generosity.