Everybody who works at Kunsang Yeshe Retreat Centre is a volunteer, there are no paid positions. As well as those in the identifiable roles below, there are so many who step forward and lend a hand with cooking, cleaning, gardening, making chai, setting up for events and packing them away.

Chairperson: Peter Stickels

Acting Director: Robert Hamilton

Secretary: Laurel Acton

Treasurer: Annalise Sinclair-Lidster

Acting Spiritual Program Coordinator: Anne Sinclair

Committee Member: Anne Sinclair

Robert Hamilton

Laurel Acton

Anne Sinclair

Annalise Sinclair-Lidster

Volunteer Coordinators: Fiona Forrest & Arlene Harvey

Gompa Coordinators: TBC

Shop Coordinator: Laurel Acton

Membership Coordinator: Laurel Acton

Librarian: Fiona Forrest

Committee Member: Anne Sinclair

Social Media Coordinator: (Facebook & Instagram) Gyalten Drolkar

(Acting Director) Helen Patrin 2020-2023

Craig Schuetrumpf 2018-2020

Venerable Tencho 2009-2017

Stephanie Brennan 2005-2009 (KYRC) 2004-2005 Vajrasattva Mountain Centre

Stephanie Brennan, Venerable Tencho, Margaret Bohler, Brian Hart, Dawn Hart, Sue Emonson