This questionnaire is aimed at determining the needs of your Buddhist Centre regarding the disposal of surplus printed Dharma material. The volumes are approximate. If you have specific needs please detail these in the free text box at the end of the survey.

The materials will be handled and burnt in accordance with guidelines provided by the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).

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1.Does your Centre require surplus printed Dharma material to be disposed of?
2.Please indicate the types of printed Dharma material that is required to be disposed of (you may choose more than one).
3.According to FPMT Guidelines Dharma images should not be burned. If your Centre does not separate images from printed material would you be prepared to pay an additional fee for this service?
4.What do you think would be a reasonable fee to pay for the service of sorting Dharma images from printed materials?
5.How would you prefer to deliver the Dharma materials to a disposal service?
6.What do you think would be a reasonable cost to pay for the Dharma burning (postage or collection additional)?